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if you please.
Published on April 3, 2004 By Melchiah In Personal Computing
I'd appreciate it if those of you reading this post would follow the link below and tell me what's on the page.

Date/Time Script

It's a PHP script that's supposed to display the date and time in *your* locality. I need to know if it's working properly and I can't do that since the server I use is my own, therefore I don't have a time difference between my laptop and my server.

Thank you

on Apr 03, 2004
Doesn't come up with the correct time here....two hours behind it, actually.
on Apr 03, 2004
Okay...thank you Poetmom. I was afraid that was going to happen. There's a server offset variable that determines the hour difference between the user's time and the server's time, and to make it display the correct time for me I had to set that to "0" since the server is on my machine which means there isn't a difference, but that means it doesn't make a change for users in other localities.

I appreciate your help.
