An online repository for my thoughts on...anything.
Published on April 28, 2004 By Melchiah In Misc
Ignorant people should be relegated to their own island!

That is all I have to say about that.


on Apr 28, 2004
on Apr 28, 2004
Or the centre of the desert, thats what I think... because Islands are fun.

on Apr 28, 2004
It would be a very crowded island
on Apr 28, 2004
I think that you would probably be able to live on the island yourself with lots of free space.
on Apr 28, 2004
Isn't everyone ignorant to something?
on Apr 28, 2004
Sherye, I missed your point there. Who is the lone ignorant person you are talking about?
on Apr 28, 2004
I think Greenland's pretty free...not much to do there but seal hunting....
on Apr 28, 2004
how bout the ignorant people stay here, and I just get to go to the island? --yup, the more I think about it, the more I like the idea--I mean, we are talking about a Carribbean Island right? Fully functioning, electricity, sunny weather, fun cocktails with umbrellas--you know the works... yup, let's leave the ignorant people to do the daily grind while I have myself some island fun!
on Apr 28, 2004
I think Greenland's pretty free...not much to do there but seal hunting....

No! My husband's up there, don't send all the ignorant people there!

I want to go to the Carribean island with shades and all the rest of the non-ignorant people.
on Apr 28, 2004

I want to go to the Carribean island with shades and all the rest of the non-ignorant people.

I won't be going there.  I'm too ignorant.  For example, I am really ignorant to things like Jock Straps.  I don't know the best ones, how they are fitted, who manufactures them, etc.  Totally ignorant.  Or the finer points of deodorant and anti-perspirent.  There are so many types and functions and smells.  Why?  And why do some make me break out and others don't?  Do anti-perspirents really contain stuff that causes Alzheimer's?  I don't know- I'm too ignorant.  Or, even simpler things like the oxidization process of carbonated beverages in glass versus plastic versus cans.  Why does it cause a different taste?  Why do some beverages only stay carbonated well in glass?  I just am too ignorant about too many things.......

on May 12, 2004
To put it simply, I was talking about people who are ignorant to the more imporant things in life simply because they don't want to take the time to learn about them.
