An online repository for my thoughts on...anything.
Published on November 23, 2003 By Melchiah In Blogging
What are the Score, Rank, and Points for?
on Nov 24, 2003
Dear Melchiah,

Your Score is based on several factors:

1. Number of Articles Posted on your site.
2. Number of Page views from other JoeUser members.
3. Number of replies made by other readers.
4. Number of replies you have made on other sites.
5. The distance the moon drifts from the earth each lunar year. (appx. 1 inch)
6. Several other factors that can not be explained because it's considered bad mojo.

Your Rank is based on your score. The higher the score, the better your ranking. Ranking can take multiple forms:

1. Your site Ranking. Your Site accumulates a score based on the number of posts/page views/replies and so forth.
2. Your user Ranking. Your individual ranking is based on several factors similar to the list above.

Hope this helps.
on Nov 24, 2003
Thank you Dark-Star, I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions.