An online repository for my thoughts on...anything.
Do I just lack focus?
Published on December 24, 2003 By Melchiah In Misc
Let me see here, in the past few days I've managed to complete a whole lot of not much.
The problem is though, I've started a bunch of stuff...just haven't finished it.

In the past few days I've done the following (all of it remains to be finished):

1. Reinstalled Diablo II LoD and a Mod for it. (Play it frequently...but don't finish the story, I start new characters part way through...)
2. Installed an Apache Server, set it up and acquired some documentation to learn PHP. I've yet to read any of it.
3. Created conceptual designs for some new Photoshop work I want to do for my website. I've yet to start creating any of it.
4. Thought about writing a letter to my brother. Yeah, just thought about it.
5. Redesigned my website navigation in my head. Still haven't actually done it though. In fact, my website is currently dead.
6. Borrowed three books (The Myst Series) from a friend. Haven't started reading them yet.
7. Am currently half-way through another book. Haven't touched it in almost two weeks.
8. I've downloaded several skins, themes etc. Haven't installed them yet.

That list could go further but you get the idea.

The most interesting thing about all of it is that I'll start doing any of those things and ten minutes later I'll be bored with it and want to do something else. So I ask, "Do I have an attention span problem?" Or do I just lack any focus?


Same for this blog, I created it wanting to post, yeah. As you can see that hasn't happened either.

Any input you have will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

on Dec 26, 2003
Sounds like you have ADD, hun. Or at least many symptoms of it. It's increasingly popular in young adults these days, even if they didn't have it as children. Or, your life is so dreary and/or mundane that things you would normally find interesting hold no interest to you. Sometimes a world of blah-nothingness makes doing anything productive feel like a drain on energy.
on Dec 27, 2003
ADD, that's what I was thinking. I don't think it's the latter of your two suggestions since it doesn't really hold true right now. Add to it that I've always been this way....just noticing it more now that I'm grown. I noticed the same behavior when I was young but rationalized it as the typical behavior of a kid.

on Feb 27, 2004
i wouldn't be so quick to label it ADD or ADHD as it's now called. The so-called "experts" have gone off the deep end in blaming ADHD for so many people's problems.

What I would suggest as a way to start regaining some focus is a combination of soul searching and behavior modification. if you've never heard of the concept of Beh Mod, or if you're not familiar with it, do a search of it on either or and read up a bit. It can be very effective if you have the right combo of desire, determination, and self-discipline. Basically it supplies the "how"...

we Americans are too quick to want a quick fix, a "label" that will give us a cop out, or a drug that will make all of our problems go away. i'm not impying that you're in favor of drugs or anything, i'm just trying to offer you another alternative...

just a thought