An online repository for my thoughts on...anything.
Why do they all look the same?
Published on November 22, 2003 By Melchiah In Blogging
Well, so far I like the layout and design aspect of JoeUser. The system seems to be fairly user friendly, but then again I've spent years online so I could be mistaken. Sometimes I wish I could temporarily go back to being a novice and go to all the sites I visit. I'd like to see how they are for people who are new to the internet and haven't quite figured out all the little things that are second nature to those of us who've been around a while.

There's only one thing that I don't like; all the blogs look the same. I find that kind of strange since JoeUser is owned and maintained by Stardock, the very company who gave us the Object Desktop suite of applications. If there is a way to customize the appearance of the blog I hope I haven't overlooked it, if I have someone please tell me.

I'll continue my exploration of the site and see what I can find.

on Nov 22, 2003
That's coming. Now that we've gotten the layout down, we're going to provide templates so that users can choose different looks for their blogs.
on Nov 23, 2003
That's great! It would seem that I decided to join JoeUser at just the right time. Based on that and everything else I've seen I think I'll keep this blog.
on Nov 23, 2003
Actually I wonder which would be the more appropriate approach, being that SD makes skinning software.

Make each user skin their own site
Let the reader skin the site how they want.
on Nov 24, 2003
I would prefer the ability to skin my site the way I want it to look. That's what I miss the most about one of my former blogs. They allowed you to edit the template completely including layout, graphics and all that jazz.