An online repository for my thoughts on...anything.
Or is my internet connection on vacation?
Published on February 27, 2004 By Melchiah In Blogging
What's up with JoeUser lately? The pages are loading so slowly for me, if at all.

I'm going to do some tests on my connection to make sure the problem isn't on my end.

I'd appreciate it if someone who knows what's wrong with JoeUser (If it's not my connection) would reply to this and let me know...


on Feb 27, 2004
I've been having some trouble too. Slow loading, pages not available, sometimes have to find others ways to in. But I often think it's my browser.
on Feb 27, 2004
It's always been a little slower than most sites, at least for me... (at work or at home)...

I think that's due to the large number of devoted users who are constantly accessing the site.
on Feb 27, 2004
I don't have any good ideas behind it, but it does sort of "hang" for a few seconds before loading a page or me.
on Feb 27, 2004
Yes it is very slow - I posted a similar blog with some suggestions for the site admins.
on Feb 27, 2004
I think Brad might be revamping- isn't the comment edit capability new? And last night the top users and sites weren't showing up. So I'm guessing the problems with load etc. will be gone soon, but I too have noticed that it's a bit hangy. Maybe WinCos is using JoeUser servers again...

on Feb 27, 2004
I have posted articals that never do show up under Recent Articals. I'm beginning to think Brad has me on some sort of black list for undesirables. GCJ
on Feb 27, 2004
i'm on the same list GCJ... i think maybe it's because we don't shower often enough...
on Feb 28, 2004
Don't worry, I read you guys anyway. And who else but me matters?
