An online repository for my thoughts on...anything.
Melchiah's Articles In Blogging
April 7, 2004 by Melchiah
I see the RSS box at the top right of the screen and when I click on it I am directed to a page with a bunch of XML (I think that's what it is). I am in the process of developing a new personal website and would like to use my blog's RSS feed on that site, but I don't know how. What exactly do I do with that page of XML I'm directed to when I click that button (if anything)? ~Melchiah
February 27, 2004 by Melchiah
What's up with JoeUser lately? The pages are loading so slowly for me, if at all. I'm going to do some tests on my connection to make sure the problem isn't on my end. I'd appreciate it if someone who knows what's wrong with JoeUser (If it's not my connection) would reply to this and let me know... Thanks, ~Melchiah
February 23, 2004 by Melchiah
I'm a student at a technical university and last year I decided the program I was in wasn't for me so I switched to electrical engineering. Well, I made that decision in the middle of a term which meant dropping out until I could enroll into the other program. Since I left mid-term the company that owns my student loans pulls the funding for the entire quarter. So that means I owe the school for the first part of the term that I attended. When I went back to enroll into the new progr...
November 22, 2003 by Melchiah
Well, so far I like the layout and design aspect of JoeUser. The system seems to be fairly user friendly, but then again I've spent years online so I could be mistaken. Sometimes I wish I could temporarily go back to being a novice and go to all the sites I visit. I'd like to see how they are for people who are new to the internet and haven't quite figured out all the little things that are second nature to those of us who've been around a while. There's only one thing that I don't like; a...
November 24, 2003 by Melchiah
"Reply By: Dark-Star Posted: Monday, November 24, 2003 Hello Melchiah, Sorry for the inconvenience. JoeUser is undergoing some major changes and we have come across a few bugs (like the one you have discovered) in the process. We will be correcting this issue and several others over the course of the next few days. Thank you for your patients in this regard. Happy Blogging, Dark-Star" This was posted as a comment in reference to my article "Joe's Odd Behavior" which can be viewed...
November 24, 2003 by Melchiah
I just love it when a nice surprise presents itself. Earlier this week I was doing some "out-with-the-old" file system cleaning on one of my HDs when I ran into an old text file that contained a web address for a modeling agency an old friend of mine used to be involved with. I haven't seen this friend of mine in a very long time (Years) and it really bothered me, she was my closest friend for quite some time. So, I check out the link and the site is still running, that's good. So I look...
November 24, 2003 by Melchiah
So I'm experimenting with the "Favorites" panel on the right hand side of the page by adding custom links to it. First I created a subheading called "My Website" and added two links under it called "Main Page" and "Artwork." Then I added another subheading called "My Friends" and added the link to a blog owned by a friend of mine. After doing that my Favorites panel only lists the "My Friends" subheading and the "My Website" subheading is gone. Why? Am I only allowed to have one subheading ...
November 23, 2003 by Melchiah
What are the Score, Rank, and Points for?
November 23, 2003 by Melchiah
In case anyone is interested, I do have an old blog at my website. Old Blog ~Melchiah
November 23, 2003 by Melchiah
The two quoted replies were taken from the comment section of the article included below. I'm so pleased with this! "Reply By: Dark-Star Posted: Monday, November 24, 2003 Dear Melchiah, You have some interesting points. I'll have to keep these in mind and let my co-workers hear at Stardock know about some of your requests. Who knows, you just might see them added to the site. The Advanced Printing options seem to be a smart idea. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll pass them on.--Dark-Star...
November 23, 2003 by Melchiah
I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to use my blog for. I'm thinking of using it as nothing more than an online journal. Yeah...more on this later. ~Melchiah